I loved your bit about environmentalism. I have been saying it for years. The Earth is scraping us off her surface like psoriatic skin. Once she is rid of us she will go on, nurturing new children. No matter what the christofascists believe, evolution works. Hopefully the next ascendant species will have an oral history of our decline and fall to serve as a bad example for them not to repeat.

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May 16Liked by Justin Rosario

MO has the headquarters of Assemblies of God and a very active KKK. I was raised in St Louis and was told by an authority (school principal) as a small child that boys bully the girls they “like”. I left the church a year later (age of 10) because I was told I was going to Hell, but watched the priest allowing the children under his robes after the service. No authority believed me (as a 20 year old woman) that I was assaulted instead assuming I was in a sexual relationship with a man (a KKK leader) who beat me up. Missouri hates women, you got that right. And if one has skin color it is even worse.

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May 15Liked by Justin Rosario

Thank you for an inside look at all the shit Republicans want to do to women and little girls. Please don't let child brides return. I was born in Missouri and glad I've been in CA for the last 38+ years. They have all become strange, scared, overindulge bratty lil' boys. It has to stop.

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May 18Liked by Justin Rosario

Good stuff. Thanks for reframing environmental issues to saving the Humans living on this planet rather than saving the Earth since it will obviously (based on billions of years of history) survive us. I haven’t heard this before and isn’t that the core of Why we are concerned anyway?

The pedophile bit is difficult to get my head around but seeing that it’s all tied together; abortion, no fault divorce, no age restriction on marriage, anti women, anti women over 25, it now makes perfect sense.

The right is sick and needs serious help to remember what it’s like to be a human before they flush themselves and the rest of us down the toilet they are circling.

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May 19Liked by Justin Rosario

Thank you!

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Yep, yep, yep about the connected parts between rolling back reproductive rights, refusting to set a minimum age for marriage, and working to repeal no fault divorce laws. Also the Manosphere says no fault divorce was created by feminists but it was actually patriarchal men who pushed for it back in the day when they were ready to dump their wives for newer models. Now these same types of men are crying foul. Anyway, do you think Christian Nationalism is going to ruin our country over the next few decades or do you think the tide will be stemmed? How do you see the USA in 20 years?

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That depends on who wins 2024 and 2028. If we win both, the GOP is doomed. If they win either, the country is facing decades of darkness before we get another shot at course correcting.

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