Trump being booed was fantastic🤣

I'm in Texas so I'm well aware of the barbarians at the gate😕 They're up to some bat shit crazy shit here.


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Jun 2Liked by Justin Rosario

Justin - I just discovered your Substack, and have become a fan. I only listened to the section on the men's rights issue, because I had only just become vaguely aware of it. I plan to come back and hear the rest. Keep up the good work!

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Jun 2Liked by Justin Rosario

Ask Thom Hartmann to give you air time.

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I think i might be too small potatoes for Hartmann.

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Jun 2Liked by Justin Rosario

I am so grateful we have free lunch at schools in Finland says a happy tax payer.

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May 30Liked by Justin Rosario

Another great episode!

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May 29Liked by Justin Rosario

Just found you last week…you are a snappy and splendid being, Jason! ♥️💕

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Ooh, but you left out the most delectable moment of the libertarian brouhaha: where the anti-authority fans worked together as a committee (the most authoritative body ever) to propose and second a motion telling tfg to go f**k himself! I join with you in urging everyone to watch the videos 🍿

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