The Opinionated Ogre
The Opinionated Ogre Podcast
The Opinionated Ogre Podcast - Trump's Perfect, Best Ever Humiliation

The Opinionated Ogre Podcast - Trump's Perfect, Best Ever Humiliation

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Welcome to Episode Four! This is the best episode ever because I get to mock Donald Trump being humiliated! So. Much. Fun. And, good lord do we need the laughs because this is a heavy episode with some serious news. Buckle up, people. It’s Ogre Time.

Here’s the breakdown for Ogre Nation News Update:

1:08 - 6:10 RFK Jr’s VP pick, Nicole Shanahan is trash but the NY Times’ hit piece on her raises a lot of questions.

6:11 - 10:18 Heartwarming story or Dystopian propaganda? You decide! Plus, Missouri Republicans are the worst.

10:19 - 12:57 Hey, the press can’t decide if the economy is collapsing or if Americans are spending more on travel than ever before! Can’t it be both?! (No, it fucking well cannot).

12:58 - 21:05 Iran is playing around with enriching uranium and we can thank Trump for making the world less safe. Unintentional Mini-Ogre Opinion. I had a lot to say about this.

21:06 - 30:53 AHAHAHAHAHAH! Trump was just absolutely destroyed at the Libertarian Party Convention. Come enjoy his perfect humiliation with me!

Ogre Opinion: Men’s Rights Activism

31:05 - 44:43 Short summary of MRAs: They’re the gender version of Nazis. Listen for the longer summary and wear a hazmat suit. They’re just the worst.

I hope you enjoy listening and, please, any feedback is appreciated. You’re the ones I’m recording this for so let me know what you think!

The Opinionated Ogre
The Opinionated Ogre Podcast
I'm a stay-at-home ogre who writes about politics and family. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll leave angry and informed. Welcome to The Ogre Nation!