The Opinionated Ogre
The Opinionated Ogre Podcast
The Opinionated Ogre Podcast - Blood Libel, Trump's Bad Night, and Biden Trolls the NYT!

The Opinionated Ogre Podcast - Blood Libel, Trump's Bad Night, and Biden Trolls the NYT!

Warning! This podcast is not safe for work, small children, and adults with delicate constitutions.

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Apparently, I have to post the podcast directly to Substack in order to link it to Spotify so that’s what I’m doing! Sorry for the duplicate post.

Here it is! The second very first episode of the Opinionated Ogre Podcast!

As per your vote, the format is a quick look at current events (17 minutes) and a deeper look at a single topic (20 minutes).

Good lord, I say "um” and “right?” so fucking much. I will work on that, I promise. But otherwise, I think it came out really well. Let me know what you think.

Here’s the breakdown starting with the Ogre Nation Update:

1:00 - 7:00: Trump’s very bad night at the Indiana primaries

7:01 - 9:22: President Joe Biden is trolling the shit out of the New York Times

9:23 - 10:26: Trump’s stolen document case is put on ice indefinitely

10:27 - 17:00: Biden twists Netanyahu’s arm to stop the fighting in Gaza

The currently nameless main segment:1

17:01 -37:30: The modern Blood Libel and its dark purpose.

Enjoy and give me lots of feedback! You’re the ones listening to it so let me know what hits and what misses!


I will definitely come up with a name for the main segment.

The Opinionated Ogre
The Opinionated Ogre Podcast
I'm a stay-at-home ogre who writes about politics and family. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll leave angry and informed. Welcome to The Ogre Nation!