I’ll Say It Again:


We Are Voting With Our Uterus In November!

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Also, TY for This Article! You expressed Exactly How I Feel Today…Just w/ Different Words.


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You know what would be more just than expanding the court? Impeaching those two morally bereft jackoffs, and Roberts for dereliction of duty to stop them.

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Yes but.

Impeachment requires a 2/3 majority in the Senate.

The size of the Court can be changed with a simple majority in the House and Senate.

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Pretty sure I said "...what would be more just...." Letting those three continue on the court would not be just. Justice is often far from simple.

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Which two jackoffs are you referring two? Thomas and Alito? Or Kavanaugh and Coney-Barrett?

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I remain outraged over the Dobbs decision. That’s not changing anytime, ever.

Not long ago the Republicans viewed the abortion restrictions as a messaging problem — as if a fancy slogan would put women at ease and allow us to somehow forget that prohibiting doctors from administering medical care (to safely end a pregnancy in crisis) will cause women to suffer, risk permanent impairment, and death.

It’s not just tone deaf to think women can be dazzled by bullshit when our lives and health are at risk, it’s cruel.

Forced birth is a form of slavery. Women should decide when, and if, we have children and make decisions about our reproductive healthcare. We are not incubators with legs.

Vote blue.

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There is an excellent review of how an appeals process for Convicted Felon Trump should go on this morning’s Public Notice here on Substack.

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Most Americans don't understand that there IS a difference between state and federal courts to start with. They sure don't understand how a state court decision has to follow certain procedures to get there.

Next, there's a huge number of people who will believe that if the Supreme Court decided to intervene, then the decision was political.

You're overestimating our fellow Americans if you think this will backfire on them.

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It certainly doesn’t help that Republican senators and lawmakers, many of whom are lawyer and know they are lying through their teeth, step up to a microphone and lie to the adoring peasants who hang on their every word. They are the farthest thing from patriots or “Christians” that they claim they are.

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Or that way WAY too many people never verify what they hear.

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Do they not risk being disbarred for that? By bringing the Bar to which they belong into disrepute by lying?

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I’m not a lawyer, but I guess someone would have to try to make a case of it and bring them up to the Bar at least for censure?

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Yes, I suppose that someone would have to make a complaint like I think a judge did with Giuliani.

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I’m not sure if they don’t understand that it’s state not federal. I think many people know that T***p reached into The NY office and made the charges go away after Cohen was convicted. And got Cohen sent back to jail when he wouldn’t agree to Not write a book. These thugs operate like mobsters. They find dirt and threaten people. Like Robert Dinero said, You’re a Gangster!

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Many of those repeating these lies are trained lawyers though including the saintly Mike Johnson. Perhaps instead of having a porn tracker on his phone he needs a mendacity detector.

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Justin, I’m not with you on this…give them an inch and they’ll take 15,000 miles. We need to decimate the media that perpetuates the series of endless lies first. I don’t think trump can win, but he has too many Fascists infiltrating our media and pumping multi-millions into finding ways to prevent We the People from voting.

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My thoughts exactly

I WANT them to do it

It is ( in my opinion) the ONLY way to get court reform ( assuming the D's keep the WH and have the House and Senate majority)

Otherwise the D's are going to keep playing footsie with the far right SC. A far right extremist SC CANNOT rule over a democracy.

So if the D's are really devoted to saving democracy from fascism this would push them over the edge to reform the court. And NOT by just passing new ethics rules and term limits, but by expansion.

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The Supreme Court is still a formidable challenge for either - or both - of the two other branches of government to attempt constraining its authority. President Biden would not be enthusiastic (nor should he be) about having to break executive norms in installing four new justices - and having to get them confirmed IMMEDIATELY.

Someone needs to be the grown-up and exert extraordinarily convincing pressure on John Roberts to bring to heel the traitorous two justices on the Court.

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Thank you for articulating how a lot of us feel and expect the rethugliCons to hang themselves aided by supremeCons.

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I see a snag in your plan, not that I don't love it. I do. Lol. But they may be crazy but they're not stupid. I'm sure they know if they do throw Trump's conviction out, they will lose the plausible deniability to install Trump just like they installed Shrub Jr. in 2000. The only reason they couldn't pull it off in 2020 was because Pelosi reconvened the session as soon as she could.

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Mike to Montana man. Is that a real poncho or a Sears poncho? Are you a dental floss tycoon?

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We have a huge opportunity here! How many decades have Democrats been accused of it?


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What about the upcoming immunity decision by The Supremes? How would you like THAT one to go?

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They cannot be trusted to decide anything! Count on them protecting Trump at all costs - to the nation.

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As much as my flag flies right side up! They will

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