The Opinionated Ogre
The Opinionated Ogre Podcast
Ep. 6: Most. Corrupt. Supreme Court. Ever. Plus: What Happens If (When) We Win?

Ep. 6: Most. Corrupt. Supreme Court. Ever. Plus: What Happens If (When) We Win?

A mixed bag of WTAF and serious optimism this week!

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Episode six (take 2) is live! This is a SCOTUS-centric episode because, good god, they’re going to write about the Republican cancer on the Supreme Court for a century. But don’t get too depressed! This week’s Ogre Opinion is a blinding ray of optimism and hope! Come check it out!

Ogre Nation News Update!

1:25 - 9:38 Hunter Biden The Alitos are on tape being absolutely horrible people. He’s a rancid theocrat, she’s a nasty piece of white trash.

9:39 - 14:29 More SCOTUS shenanigans. It’s one thing to know Clarence Thomas is a greedy, corrupt prick. It’s another to have the numbers and, wow, the numbers are staggering!

14:30 - 21:52 Anti-vaxxerism Mini Ogre Opinion! Trump goes full anti-vaxxer and my language gets extremely salty.

21:53 - 26:26 Trump and the GOP go full 1984, trying to rewrite history right in front of us. My Trump impersonation is just awful!

26:27 - 28:24 Trumpland is demanding a mistrial in NY because of a post on Facebook “proving” the trial was rigged. Just one problem…

Ogre Opinion! What Happens If We Win?

28:25 - 50:31 It’s such a simple question that no one, certainly not the press, is asking. What happens if we win? A lot, all of it good.

The Opinionated Ogre
The Opinionated Ogre Podcast
I'm a stay-at-home ogre who writes about politics and family. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll leave angry and informed. Welcome to The Ogre Nation!