The Opinionated Ogre
The Opinionated Ogre Podcast
Ep. 7: 2028 Is The End Of The Road For The GOP

Ep. 7: 2028 Is The End Of The Road For The GOP

Also: Trump's humiliating CEO meeting, Anti-Biden propaganda, danger in the swing states, and some personal good news!

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Episode Seven is live! I’m using a new microphone and it’s…a work in progress. Bear with me as I either get this right or give up and go back to my old one. Let me know what you think.

ANYWAY! This week’s episode is as packed as Donald Trump’s nasty diaper! So let’s get to it!

Ogre Nation News Update!

1:42 - 4:52 Swing state elections are more critical than ever this year.

4:53 - 10:54 Trump’s cognitive collapse leads to a humiliating meeting with CEOs

10:55 - 12:28 The right gets desperate enough to crop a video of Biden

12:29 - 16:19 There’s a massive and underreported propaganda machine flooding local news with lies about Biden

16:20 - 17:57 A little Ogre point of personal pride. One year on Ozempic!

Ogre Opinion! 2028 Is The End Of The Road For The GOP

17:58 - 32:55 Last week was “What happens if we win?” This week it’s “What happens when they lose?” The future for Republicans is bleak. Ha. Ha. Ha.

The Opinionated Ogre
The Opinionated Ogre Podcast
I'm a stay-at-home ogre who writes about politics and family. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll leave angry and informed. Welcome to The Ogre Nation!