The Opinionated Ogre
The Opinionated Ogre Podcast
The Opinionated Ogre Podcast - Trump Fascism, F*ck The Press, And Coddling Right Wing Terrorists

The Opinionated Ogre Podcast - Trump Fascism, F*ck The Press, And Coddling Right Wing Terrorists

Warning! This podcast is not safe for work, small children, and adults with delicate constitutions.

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Episode Three is live! It’s been a long journey to get here. Almost an entire month of podcasting! Whew! I think I can keep going if you’re willing to keep listening.

Here’s the breakdown for Ogre Nation Update:

1:05 - 6:23 Trump’s “Unified Reich” dog whistle air raid siren, Biden’s perfect response, and the media’s unsurprising indifference.

6:24 - 9:19 Politico doesn’t know if Trump is planning to be a good president this time or a genocidal dictator. If only Trump had given us some clue…

9:20 - 12:05 The press is really REALLY trying to push the collapsing economy story again because the “Biden’s old” narrative is played out.

12:06 - 16:15 Truth Social is losing money. How much money? You won’t believe it until you hear it.

Ogre Opinion!

16:20 - 31:40 America’s long history of coddling right-wing terrorists and why do we still do it?

I hope you enjoy listening and, please, any feedback is appreciated. You’re the ones I’m recording this for so let me know what you think!

The Opinionated Ogre
The Opinionated Ogre Podcast
I'm a stay-at-home ogre who writes about politics and family. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll leave angry and informed. Welcome to The Ogre Nation!